Artist Spotlight - Molly Fairhurst

Artist Spotlight - Molly Fairhurst

Using bold lines and colour, Molly illustrates amazing work full of movement and intrigue.

We love Molly's work and were very excited when she agreed to create a unique design for us! Molly has a keen eye for colour and form, and we love how expressive her work is. Her work can be emotive, but also playful and humorous. 

Molly has a really lovely drawing style, and excellent composition skills. Her eye catching work features in various projects such as work for WaterAid and FORGE art magazine.
So what did Molly create for us?

Molly designed four super cute postcards for us! Interpreting the sad ghost in an adorable and fun way. They come in a pack and each postcard has a different design on the back as well!
You can find her postcard packs HERE!

You can find out more about Molly via these handy links:
Molly's website
Now onto the Q&A's;

1. What's your favourite fictitious Ghost from popular media?

I was (am) an incredibly pale kid so my parents sometimes referred to me as Casper. I don’t care for him much but feel an affinity y’know. I think it’s cool he cared so much about being nice.

2. What's the best item in your pencil case?

Muji brush pens, withered and drying out. I won’t leave London until I’ve been to a Muji, and paid for a fistful of brush pens.

3. Paint? Pencil? or Tablet?

I play with them all. At the minute I don’t like drawing with a tablet because I can’t make it loose enough, but really appreciate how I can edit an image in Photoshop and add and change colours to my every whim.

4. What's your go-to motivational album?

Sugababes, Angels With Dirty Faces.

5. How would you describe your work? Are there any common themes?

It’s all just a bit daft.

6. What's your proudest piece that you've worked on?

Ever?? I couldn’t say! But there’s different projects I’m proud of for different reasons - my work for WaterAid for being socially conscious, self-briefed animation work I have done and am working through because it is a new skill I’m discovering that I think is working out quite well, and hey even designing my own t-shirts and knowing that people out there are enjoying them is a really cool feeling.

7. Do you have any/many artist rituals?

Often - Drink a coffee, pretend to think whilst I drink, sketch very brief thumbs, sketch a more detailed sketch, go over that, dislike that and feel it is too static, draw the image straight without an under drawing or just very loose shapes sketched out only.
I’m starting to cut out the middle bit, realising that my best work often comes out of my wonky hands with no guidance, even if it takes a few throws. That’s how I worked on the pieces for Sad Ghost Club and I think that worked out quite sweetly.

8. What motivates you?

Stacks of money, worldwide domination - but also the notion that people enjoy it really warms my heart. But I’m also low-key (I hope) quite competitive. Competing with who? I wish I knew.

9. What do you do, that you think no one else does whilst working?

If it’s a good painting I’ll dance a little bit whilst making it.

10. Who are you inspired by?

Anyone with a confident sense of artistic self, a direction that really really follows through. It sounds loose-y but it really shows. Be it an artist or a musician or otherwise. Karin Dreijer (Fever Ray, The Knife) and Annie Clark (St Vincent) come to mind- two artists who have and had visions for a concept and really MADE that. It’s commitment and unabashed confidence I admire.

11. What's your favourite way to practice self care? (Especially after a busy week)

My usual way to clear my head is to go for a walk - favourably just as the sun is getting ready to set. Don’t listen to anything but the wind chill and spring birds, and come up with 100 ideas I’ll never get round to.


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