Cute characters, beautiful stories and scenes, Isaac's work is enchanting and magical and we're forever swooning over the worlds he creates.
Now, we're promise we're not being bias by enjoying Isaac's work so much, but he did go to uni with Lize (official sad ghost) so yeah, we've been fans for a while. Isaac's character design is always amazing and he's paid homage to a lot of pop culture characters and we're always excited to see how he's interpreted a much loved personality. You can find a lot of his Simpson's interpretations over at simpsonsdrawingclub.tumblr.com which he's a part of alongside a bunch of talented illustrators.
Isaac's zines are a firm favourite in the studio, his comics tell great stories and again, we're totally obsessed with the characters he creates. 
Our number one zine is his Lichens comic which tells the story of three little lichens, we highly recommend, it's beautiful.
Ok so, what's he made for the club?
Obviously we were all VERY excited to see Isaac's version of the sad ghost, so we thought an enamel pin would be perfect!
Isn't it just the cutest squishiest ghost you've ever seen?! We think it's perfect and we hope you ghosties LOVE it! It comes with a sticker too for ultimate Isaac X Sad Ghost vibes.
So onto the Questions!
You can find more of Isaac's work here
1) What's your favourite fictitious Ghost from popular media?
2) What's the best item in your pencil case?
One thing that stays in my pencil case and I always end up using one way or another is a disposable brush pen from Muji.
3) Paint? Pencil? or Tablet?
Yes! All of those. But my favourite things to work with are a dip pen and ink.
4) What's your go-to motivational album?
Charlie Brown’s Holiday Hits by The Vince Guaraldi Trio! My favourite tracks are Thanksgiving Theme, Linus & Lucy and the Great Pumpkin Waltz.
5) How would you describe your work? Are there any common themes?
I draw things, make comics & sculpt and hand paint badges. I like spooky things and stories with kids as the protagonists.
6) What’s your proudest piece that you've worked on?
A large paper mache snail shellI made for halloween once.
7) Do you have any/many artist rituals?
I don’t think I have rituals, but I do tend to make work that correlates with whatever season it happens to be.
8) What motivates you?
The idea that I could make something that isn’t already out there and I would like to see, or even better something I would have loved to see when I was a kid.
9) What do you do, that you think no one else does whilst working?
Stand up and walk away in the middle of what I’m doing, forgetting that I’m supposed be working?
10) Who are you inspired by?
There’s a long list of people I’m inspired by, but at the top are probably comic artists Christophe Blain and Joann Sfar.
11) What's your favourite way to practice self care? (Especially after a busy week!)
I’ll either go for a big walk by myself while listening to horror stories, go rock climbing or just hideout in my room and eat Chinese food. (Which doesn’t sound that good, but it FEELS good)