Our last Mind Over Matter workshop, and what to expect next...

Our last Mind Over Matter workshop, and what to expect next...

So the Mind Over Matter workshop series has come to an end, we spent Saturday with a great group of people, making supportive positive badges, and had a totally wonderful time. Also it turns out Rob (who's joining the team soon) is exceptionally good at collage, who knew?!


We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's attended these workshop over the last year, and especially to PAPER Arts for asking us to do them in the first place. When we moved into our studio in PAPER we knew we wanted to do workshops, we ummed and ahhed about how to start and themes and times and days, etc. and it turned out that PAPER had a whole year of workshops booked, and were looking for someone to host them. Not only that, but the workshop series was Mental Health themed, so yeah, fate basically. To begin with it was a bit of a panic, taking the workshop leap was a terrifying concept for two very nervous people. We're really pleased with how all of the workshops went, the themes we chose and the things we (and all our glorious attendees) made. It's been a big learning curve, and we've learnt a lot along the way, and we're beyond pleased with the response and feedback we've had from everyone (thanks guys <3)


                                                       So to the future...

At Saturday's workshop we suggested doing a day full of a few different projects, like painting badges, making flags, painting postcards etc. We thought that having the options would be nice, and instead of making a few of the same thing, you could make one of each. It's something we think could be a really fun day, and how's SPEED MAKING for a name?! Pretty neat we thought (but obviously no pressure and you don't have to do things fast). So that's something that could happen, it'll probably be in the new year, as Laura's leaving for maternity leave soon, and it's all gonna get a little busy as we get used to being Laura-less. 

On that note! We're delighted to announce that Rob Smith will be joining the team at the end of October! He'll be filling Laura's shoes (or at least trying to, no one can compare, obviously) and help running things. We've got some exciting ideas we want to start, so we're really excited to have him on board! Yay! 

I think that's pretty much everything, let us know how SPEED MAKING sounds, and obviously, stay spooky.


Lize xx

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